My Candy Love Wiki

Height (5'9" or shorter)
Birthday June 7th
Sign Gemini
Eye Color {{{eye color}}}
Likes Shopping, walking in town, techno music, guys
Dislikes Sad movies, rain, breaking his headphones
Professional statistics
Occupation High School Student
Relatives Armin (Twin brother)
First Appearance
First Appearance Episode 10

Alexy is a student attending Sweet Amoris High. He is the twin brother of Armin.


Alexy is a boy full of life and happiness, sometimes childish with his joking antics and playful with Candy.


Few of the outfits Alexy buys you.

He is also sometimes self-centered and terribly jealous of his close friends and his brother, Armin. Despite this, Alexy is a kind male, shown when he willingly buys you any one dress of your choice, as well as other hints. Alexy is also the only known homosexual character in My Candy Love and possibly represents the "gay best friend of Candy", the kind of duo people assume are dating but are not.


Alexy has blue hair and violet eyes and he is usually seen wearing an orange sweater, green headphones, a blue shirt, purple belt, and green pants with a few patches on them. Alexy is revealed to like "strange" clothing, usually with a vast colour scheme and the colour scheme being on the light spectrum (on the bottom left). If you choose the correct answers for Alexy’s dialogue at the end of episode 10 you will be able to go on a date with him and he will buy you one of three outfits show below (on the top left).

